Saturday, March 13, 2010

Passion and Purpose

In her book My Camino Sue Kenney states, I believe passion is the driving force that aligns with one's purpose. Without purpose there is no passion. Without passion there is no purpose. I have been passionate about many things in my life. It is always a joy to spend hours and hours doing something I'm passionate about. My passions have changed over time and I find that when I get interested in something I like to buy all sorts of books and 'things' that seem to support the 'passion of the hour'. I have relicks representing passions of years gone by all over my house. There is the bottom drawer of my bedroom that holds aromatherapy oils; there are the dozens of books and hundreds of homeopathic remedies that I purchased during my homeopathic studies. Homeopathy is still a passion for me, but I realize now that I did not have to spend the kind of money I did in order to learn about it. At one point I was passionate about organizing my kitchen cupboards so I spent hundreds of dollars in Tupperware. I've given most of it away because I don't have room for it now.

Right now my passion is walking. I know that I have already purchased an expensive pair of shoes and think there was no choice about that. As Daisy and I walked this morning I ask myself.... "what is this frenzy I go into when I get passionate about something?" Whatever it is at the time becomes my purpose and makes me love life even more. Sue Kenney says until she could define her life's purpose, she was content to use passion in the areas of her life that were important to her at the time. Is that what I have been doing? Searching for my life's purpose, hopping from one passion to another and spending loads of cash along the way? I am determined to not turn walking into another mindless spending spree. I see all the paraphanalia out there on the clothing racks.... yes I could go nuts.... but I will not. In fact I found a very nice little back pack in the spare bedroom closet this morning that will do just fine. Children leave many things behind when they leave home. I do not know who it belonged to, but whoever it was left a baggy in the outside pouch containing a small quantity of an oregano looking substance. It did not smell like oregano though. The non-oregano has now been disposed of and I have a free bag.

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