Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 22 - Mazarife to Villares de Orbigo - 16 km

Last night I had a Camino dream. I was walking all night and didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. I got to this French town and couldn't go any further until I learned to speak French. Somehow I got out of there and went to a German town. When I got up to go to the bathroom I told myself to stop dreaming this because I was still in Mazarife! But I went right back to walking and this morning I was mentally exhausted! The 1st part of the walk today was a long one with no place break in between. It was 10 km to Villavante and by the time I got there my Camino spirit must have taken a detour because it had left me.

I stopped for lunch 4 km up the path at Hospital de Orbigo. There were several people stopping for the day due to injuring. I figured I'd better keep on the path since I didn't have any good excuse not to, other than feeling a bit sick and tired of walking. Then in 2 km more I saw it. The Albergue at Villares de Orbigo. Now tell me, if you had just walked 16 km in the hot sun would the site of this place not make you feel happy? But wait! This is not the best part :) My spirits lifted with every room I walked into, but when I saw the bathroom I thought, "I'm in heaven". Never mind me in the mirror.... Do you see on the wall? There is soap! And paper towels too! I kid you not, this is the 1st time. A 5 star Albergue!

This Albergue seems to be off the grid a bit and there are only 6 people staying here. I met Sonja from Amsterdam during my second week of the Camino. We went to the tienta and bought some food to cook since there are no restaurants open here today. Pasta was quick and easy and also delicious!

I have figured out that based on my physical abilities I don't have enough days to walk all of the Camino. The most I am able to walk per day is about 25 km (and that's pushing it). There are many more hot days forecasted for the next week, so I might not even be able to do that. It's a Camino rule that one has to walk the last 100 km in order to receive the Compostela. I know that at some point in the next week I'll have to take a bus for a section in order to make it to Sarria by October 4th. I'm not too concerned about it and plan on having a beautiful last two weeks!


  1. You might surprise yourself. I am a 'slow' walker and it took me two weeks to Santiago from just before where you are now....

  2. If you are walking in your dream then this shows that only you have fate for a bright future. This is a symbolic journey of life and that this can mean that you are going to start new beginnings.
    To dream that you are studying a language, suggests that you are having difficulties expressing your thoughts. You are confronted with an unfamiliar problem that you do not know how to approach and resolve.


    To hear or speak a foreign language in your dream, indicates a message from your unconscious that you do not yet understand.

    Have faith Catherine. There is a reason why you are doing this and meeting the people you are meeting.

    : )



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